Investor Mobile App

UI-UX Design
Project Overview
A Few days ago, one of our clients came to us with a real estate investor mobile app. This project is connected with CRM. (Customer Relationship Management). App Name: Real Estate Investor Mobile App.
My Contributions
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.
Muhammad Salim
UI-UX & Product Designer
30 / 09 / 2021
Business Type:
The company is an investment property buyer’s agent. The company buy investment property for different clients around the country, and the properties are in different locations to investor clients, which means that they don't get to see the purchases that they make.

Problem Identification:
* They can't monitor their Investment
* Investor can't see Property Task Management
* Investor can't see which property project Increase or Decrease the value.
* They can't see which property hold.
*  Investor can't see necessary property project data.
*  Investor hesitated to get notified if any property project is completed.
* Investor can't see in real-time which property carry house important documents

Top data is what clients get from an investor.

So, Now you can feel It is a really long project journey.
The funny thing is to do this project of the client were only provide us only some text lines. That was very difficult. Look like a short text brief, Just be 5-10 lines. There was some structure for this project to complete. The project deadline was Seven days. But we did it in 3 days. 15+ Pages. Note: We Maintain Weekly Agenda by Notion (Project Management). You can say this is Agail or Sprint. Alright.

After We swiftly Understand this app project goal and we found some flaws in this project. What were these Flaws? That's why We were jumped to dose deep research. We are moved on to this about the meeting.

1st day was wireframe complete. Include :
* User Re-Search
* Competitor Re-Search
* Marketing Re-Search
* User Flow
* Design Moodboard ---- After Done
* Hand Sketch Then  Figma Wireframe

Note: We are hard workers, that's why we Design 1st day. 2 days & 3 days was feedback from the client on design. And we finally delivered this Investor Investment Mobile App Project in 4 days.

Team: Halal Lab